Monday, December 21, 2009

Social Bookmarking Re-visited

I am a fanatic about clutter. What's that have to do with social bookmarking tools such as, clutter is why I had to start over again with for this assignment.

I had a Delicious account and the button was right on my toolbar, but I was cleaning up my toolbar and eliminating things that, well, cluttered it up.

That's why  had to start again, and I am glad that I did. I got stuck in the old way of doing things and had a ton of bookmarks--some I don't remember why they were marked in the first place--that I should have had organized with a social bookmark.

I sure wish I had continued marking, but at least I am back into the groove. I have a ton of photography web sites I need to keep track of and I really wish I had been using it. When I was using it previously, it was usually to keep track of interesting articles that I wanted to blog about or about marking the blogs of friends.

I think that social bookmarking site will be excellent for when I assign a persuasive essay. Students usually have a hard time committing to and/or picking a topic. I could give them a choice of four or five topics and assign them to even numbers of students. Then all the students who have that topic can be looking for links and marking them for use by the others.

This would address a number of the NETS-S Standards: Communication and Collaboration, Research and Information Fluency, and Digital Citizenship. It will be interesting to see how they work together while they also work on their own toward their own essays.

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